Chemistry Club Minutes: 4/27/07


The final 2006 – 2007 Chemistry Club Meeting was held Friday, April 27, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. in the Chemistry Club Room (SL 1107).  All officers were present as well as Dr. Wiediger and Dr. DeMeo as advisers.


The annual science pentathlon was held Saturday, April 21, 2007.  There were only enough people present to form two teams:  chemistry versus physics.  Physics Club won the pentathlon and the trophy.  Only three events were played: volleyball, softball, and the embarrassing faculty event.


The Spring BBQ will be held this afternoon at 5:00 p.m. at Dr. Johnson’s home.  Chemistry Club is providing the drinks and meat.  Anyone willing to bring side dishes is appreciated. Also, volunteers are needed to help set-up at 4:00 p.m.  Directions to Dr. Johnson’s are available on the Chemistry Club bulletin board or in the Chemistry Office. 


Officer Elections:


Presidential Candidates: Mariellen Sydow, Will Kuester

Vice Presidential Candidates:  Dylan Downs

Treasurer Candidate:  Crystal Hise

Secretarial Candidate:  Megan Muehlenfield


The names appearing in bold were elected officers for 2007 – 2008 Chemistry Club.  Congratulations!